News from Mydrivers says Microsoft has released Vista 5728, and Vista entered the new RTM step. That's the last step, we'll have the final Vista soon.
Again and again, Microsoft delayed Vista and released quite lot, approxmiately 40 versions of Vista range from Alpha to the newest 5728 version. I downloaded them, installed them, and tried them, and soon I suffered from high cpu load, large memory need, and very slow action, then I uninstalled it. When a new version is released, I download, install, try and uninstall. That's bad experience. So today, when new verison released just after a pre-new version released several days ago, I don't repeat the same step, I do not repeat the worst experience anymore.
Let us see Linux. Before Novel announced SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 (SLED 10 for short), or earlier version SuSE Linux 10.1 with XGL support, the Aero Glass in Vista seems quite fantasy for me. 3D rendering window, animate windows creation, new file brower, and so so so on.
But what things changed after the SLED 10? XGL brings us extremely perfect window efforts, more beautiful and powerful than any pre-released versions of Vista. The core window management software is Compiz, here it brings us real 3D desktop which you can even drag the 4 faced cube (default value, you can change it to above 4) and choose one virtual window. The switcher component also gives us more enhanced version to Vista's switcher, which you may also see the on-the-fly refresh of current window. And a lot more efforts available. These great efforts cost only about 1/4 PC resources compare to Vista's Aero Glass. My notebook-Benq Joybook 3000, which have a Mobile Pentium 4 2.4G CPU, 512MB DDR RAM and Geforce 4 Go420 with 32MB Video Card, can runs SLED10 smoothly with XGL efforts enabled. But Vista, I can't even run it fluently at the minimal efforts and say nothing of Aero Glass.Vista is evil, its size is too big, its performance is too slow, its cost is too much. We do not only upgrade our software but also our hardware. Hardware bought three years ago can run XP at a high speed, but now it can't even run Vista fluently. Much of the software should modified to satisfy the safety need of Vista. And Vista is much like the Linux, administrator password is needed for run security interrelated software, like the root password is needed for Linux.
But, I say, even Vista costs you a lot, you hate it a lot, it's the perferred software for massive users. Our QQ, and a lot of games can only run in Windows platform. Although open source groups develop Win32 emulator like Wine, only a little softwares can run on it without errors or bugs. VMware is best, but the slowest, and still can't run D3D programs.
For developers, Vista provides us .NET 3.0 Runtime, and Workflow Engine and so on. Visual Studio 2005 gives us flexiable programming. When Vista is ready for most PC, .NET programmer will glad that when write a very small program, users will not experience .NET Runtime needed error. That's great for the coming of .NET world.
Alought Linux can support .NET through Mono Runtime, but it still lacks of very good IDE, most of the software is written in C/C++. Complie and install of software is a headache for Linux users.
So our only choice is Windows, it's the evil of Microsoft. But the spring of Linux is coming, we expect the best Linux~! Micro$oft, go away.